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Evolution of the Family Home

Many people start out by purchasing their first home single or newly married. They select a home within their budget and plan they may not stay there forever. Maybe they'll make some major updates or move on to a larger home down the road. In addition to the actual home, you often have less "stuff" that has been collected so it's easier to keep things neat and tidy. You have more time on your hands, so you may make some minor changes to the house to make it more "yours".

((My first home))

Oftentimes, after the first child, things start to accumulate. Maybe grandparents pass away and you inherit furniture pieces you feel obligated to use or that you use just to "fill the space". As you age, your kids grow and their toy collection does too. Now your home is overflowing with things that belong to the kids and you can't ever truly settle down because there's always more collecting and organizing, more cleaning to do. As your kids grow, you spend time shuffling them to and from places, you lose complete control of the look in their bedroom, maybe even other areas of the home that they've claimed as their space. You're still collecting their "stuff" from around the house and have that never-ending to-do list to accomplish. Next, your kids are off to college and you have a bunch of their stuff still in their bedrooms, maybe less clutter but more things that you never replaced because you were too-busy with daily life to spend time trying to figure out how to make things nice only to have the kids make their mark on it. Now it's been 20 years and you've not changed anything in your home. You don't LOVE anything you own because you've been too busy to figure out what that really looks like or maybe you just don't know where to start.

My husbands heirloom furniture ((THE BEFORE))

My husbands heirloom furniture ((THE AFTER))

I often work with clients who are in this stage of their lives, ready for a new start with a new home or ready for updates in their current home. Maybe they know what they like, but aren't able to figure out how to get to that point. Maybe, they see so much out there but are scared to make the wrong decision because remodels and building new homes aren't cheap. Hiring a guide, like me, to help you through the process can be as simple as a few meetings to be sure you're headed in the right direction to as complex as me helping you find products, and help you think through each decision to help you through each and every decision. What the outcome will be is a home that truly reflects YOUR likes, needs, and wants. A place you can truly use efficiently. A place that reflects your style.

My first home - Bedroom ((BEFORE))

My first home - Bedroom ((AFTER))

It's not always a smooth process, it's often scary, overwhelming and can be stressful. With help, I can make it easier on you. Reach out to chat about what it would look like to make your home into the perfect oasis for you and your family at whatever stage in life you're in.

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