It's true, I cringe when my clients say they let their pets on their sofas, chairs and in their beds. Though as a dog owner and new puppy owner, I totally get the companionship of having that pup cuddled up next to you in the evenings. Pets, however, create extra wear and tear on the furnishings in your home. I have created this post for those of you looking to do some updates (if you already have pets) and for those of you who are looking to introduce a puppy into your home. I am referring to dogs more because that's what I am familiar with but you may be able to transfer some of this information to cats. It just may be harder to control their location so you'll have to be more cautious about the materials you select.
As far as sofas and upholstered goods are concerned, there are a few ways to tackle this. If you like the worn leather look and you allow pets on the furniture, leather is great. Hair doesn't attach to it and it is easy to clean. Upholstery can be done with performance fabrics that are able to be spot cleaned with dish soap and water. Other times, we can have a stain repellent/protection added before it's brought into your home. You'll want to be cautious if your pet sheds as to what color and what texture tha fabrics you chose are. Velvets will show a lot more, especially if the color you select is the complete opposite of the color fur your pets have. The same thing goes for flooring. For example, if your floors are dark and you have a light haired pup that sheds even slightly, you're more likely to notice ALL of it. It's smart to consider floor colors that blend with your pup if shedding is an issue. It's like built-in camouflage. . It's best to check the materials of rugs you have in the home and if they're light colored or have viscose in them, you may want to temporarily store them if you have a puppy coming soon. If you already have pets and want a new rug, opt for polyester and polypropylene. They'll be easier to clean should you have any issues and also cost less so if they need to be replaced it isn't as much of a burden.
Lastly, just keep in mind pets using the rugs, furniture etc. will make them wear faster. Whether you opt for pets on furniture or off, I hope you feel more informed after reading this.